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Climate Volatility, Fertility, and Infant Mortality

  • 2010-2011
  • Project
Friedman, Jed, World Bank

Study: “Climate Volatility, Fertility, and Infant Mortality”
PI(s): Friedman, Jed
Affiliation(s): World Bank
Institutional Partner(s): World Bank
Project Dates:
Start: 2010
End: 2011
Data Source(s): Pooled DHS
Methods: Fixed Effects; Multiple Regression; Linear Probability Model
Geographic Location(s): Cross-Country Analysis (sub-Saharan Africa)

This study investigates the relationship between extreme weather events, climate volatility, and infant survival in Africa, with a focus on socioeconomic mediators as well as fertility responses to weather-induced infant mortality. The project leverages all existing sub-Saharan African Demographic and Health surveys that contain household location coordinates and maps the birth outcomes reported by these households to daily temperature and rainfall estimates valid for a 50×50 kilometer area over the period 1977-2002. Exposure to extreme heat and rainfall events, both in utero and after birth, are related to infant survival at 12 months. Exploiting the timing of weather shocks and the gender of the child illuminates the differential pathways—either the direct effects of extreme weather or socioeconomic consequences of weather shocks—that weather variability affects both mortality and subsequent fertility decisions.

Research Outputs:

Baird, Sarah, Friedman, Jed & Smitz, Marc. (2011). Climate Variability and Infant Mortality in Africa. (Working Paper)

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Climate Volatility, Fertility, and Infant Mortality

  • 2010-2011
  • Project
Friedman, Jed, World Bank

Study: “Climate Volatility, Fertility, and Infant Mortality”
PI(s): Friedman, Jed
Affiliation(s): World Bank
Institutional Partner(s): World Bank
Project Dates:
Start: 2010
End: 2011
Data Source(s): Pooled DHS
Methods: Fixed Effects; Multiple Regression; Linear Probability Model
Geographic Location(s): Cross-Country Analysis (sub-Saharan Africa)

This study investigates the relationship between extreme weather events, climate volatility, and infant survival in Africa, with a focus on socioeconomic mediators as well as fertility responses to weather-induced infant mortality. The project leverages all existing sub-Saharan African Demographic and Health surveys that contain household location coordinates and maps the birth outcomes reported by these households to daily temperature and rainfall estimates valid for a 50×50 kilometer area over the period 1977-2002. Exposure to extreme heat and rainfall events, both in utero and after birth, are related to infant survival at 12 months. Exploiting the timing of weather shocks and the gender of the child illuminates the differential pathways—either the direct effects of extreme weather or socioeconomic consequences of weather shocks—that weather variability affects both mortality and subsequent fertility decisions.

Research Outputs:

Baird, Sarah, Friedman, Jed & Smitz, Marc. (2011). Climate Variability and Infant Mortality in Africa. (Working Paper)

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