Pop Pov


Appendix B: Brief Description of PopPov Projects

  • January 2014
  • Report
Marlene Lee & Kate Belohlav

As part of the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation’s initiative to enhance research and policy communication in population, reproductive health, and economic development, the foundation has partnered with institutions in the United States, the United Kingdom, Norway, the Netherlands, France, and Africa to strengthen evidence on how population and reproductive health affect economic outcomes in low- and middle-income countries. This Appendix is part of the report “Investigating Elements of a Population, Poverty, and Reproductive Health Research Agenda,” available at poppov.org.




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Appendix B: Brief Description of PopPov Projects

  • January 2014
  • Report
Marlene Lee & Kate Belohlav

As part of the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation’s initiative to enhance research and policy communication in population, reproductive health, and economic development, the foundation has partnered with institutions in the United States, the United Kingdom, Norway, the Netherlands, France, and Africa to strengthen evidence on how population and reproductive health affect economic outcomes in low- and middle-income countries. This Appendix is part of the report “Investigating Elements of a Population, Poverty, and Reproductive Health Research Agenda,” available at poppov.org.




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