The First Annual Research Conference on Population Impacts on Economic Development was held in London, Nov. 1-3, 2006. It marked the formal beginning of the Hewlett/PRB research initiative on population, reproductive health and economic development. The world’s most-prominent researchers on population and economic development (PED) explored the state of the field, emphasizing new methodologies and priority research topics. The conference represents the first annual gathering of a new international network of researchers on PED that included experts from around the world, with a particular emphasis on African economics researchers and those conducting PED research in Africa. Participants exchanged technical information about ongoing research and research methodologies, data available for research use, and data collection efforts underway. They had the opportunity to shape the new Hewlett/PRB Initiative to strengthen the evidence about how population and reproductive health impact economic growth and poverty reduction.The new network of researchers established through the Hewlett/PRB research programs will maintain contact through annual research conferences, bi-annual methodology workshops, and other activities to build the research community of interest. Researchers actively pursuing study in relevant fields are encouraged to contact the program sponsors for further information about funding and conference opportunities.
Conference Presentations
- Linda Adair: Experiences in Longitudinal Data Analysis (PPT: 3.55MB)
- Ernesto Amaral: Demographic Transition & Economic Development at the Local Level in Brazil (PPT: 408KB)
- Tony Ao: Microeconomic Impact of HIV Disease Among Female Bar/Hotel Workers in Tanzania (PPT: 962KB)
- Toby Aykroyd: The Value of A Lobbying Strategy (PPT: 811KB)
- David Canning: Demographic Change, Economic Growth, and Poverty Reduction: The Evidence Base (PPT: 576KB) and Demographic Change, Economic Growth, and Poverty Reduction: New Methods (PPT: 102KB)
- Tim Dyson: A Personal View of Research on Population Impacts on Economic Development (DOC: 59KB)
- Robert Eastwood: Causal Links From Fertility to Poverty: What Do We Know and How Can We Find Out More? (PPT: 56KB)
- Murray Leibbrandt: Causality and Reverse Causality: Issues Arising from Studies of Poverty and HIV/AIDS (PPT: 56KB)
- Susannah Mayhew: Poverty, Environment & Population: Evidence and Research Needs (PPT: 634KB)
- Tom Merrick: Reproductive Health and Poverty Reduction: What Do We Know? (PPT: 542KB)
- Steve Morgan: ESRC Strategic Plan 2005-2010 (PPT: 503KB)
- Germano Mwabu: African Economic Research Consortium (AERC): Research Activities on Population and Development (PPT: 118KB)
- Marjorie Opuni-Akuamoa: Measuring the Impact of Young Adult Mortality on the Wellbeing of Older Persons in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa (PPT: 695KB)
- Duncan Thomas: Integrating Methods and Measurement (PDF: 30KB)